A lesson in Bedroom Furniture Placement for the Design-Savvy!

One of the most common questions I get from clients is how do I arrange my bedroom furniture?  And by furniture they really mean, where do I place my bed? After all, it has the lead role in this very important space.

Add in night stands, dressers and windows and wow! All of a sudden there is a lot of pressure on this (relatively small – in most cases) room.

There are certain things we want to accomplish in bedroom designs, but what I’ve discovered is that often what we thought of as a decorating challenge can turn into a most interesting feature that becomes the “star” of the room!

Let’s talk windows. We all love loads of natural light – maybe it’s because we live in the Northeast – so we often add extra windows at the expense of unadorned wall space that’s typically the place of honor for the bed and night stands. But who says that’s the ideal location? If the bed is the focal point of the bedroom, could we not place it in front of windows if it makes sense from the perspective of flow? 

If you’re like me and like to read in bed, wouldn’t it be nice to have light behind your head to illuminate your pages? And what about the bonus of seasonal nighttime breezes on your face while you sleep? 

Do I have your attention?

So indulge me and let’s explore the opportunities that bedroom windows offer the design-savvy!

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Two narrow windows flanking bed placement is a winner in my books! Lots of light and airflow, and the window provides the perfect backdrop for airy night stands and a well proportioned reading lamp.

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If your two windows are too widely spaced to have the night stands centred under each window, no matter! Choosing a night stand colour that blends with the wall creates a seamless look that’s relaxed and cozy.

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A bay window provides the perfect place of honour for this traditional four poster bed. This is pure drama. Some might be tempted to use this nook for a sitting area, but I love the way this boldly says “I’m the star of the room”.

Image via Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles

A lot of people are afraid of asymmetry, but I’m drawn to the opportunity it provides to be different! This designer used the right side window as the focal point and visually widened the backdrop with the four framed prints. Tiny night stands keep the focus on the bed wall and leave the left side area for other furnishings. I think this is brilliant!

Image via Architectural Digest

Window wall bed placement works for twin beds too! There is so much beauty here with the vaulted architecture and window that creates the perfect niche for the guest beds. The printed drapery fabric is the perfect backdrop for the upholstered beds; and the built-ins at each side offer compact storage and extra lighting. This room has so much character!

Image via Pinterest

While natural light is a beautiful thing….sometimes we just want to turn it off, especially if the view is less than perfect. In this room we see the best of both worlds. The full window behind the bed offers an incredible amount of light when you want it; yet can be completely disappear for privacy and to offer soft texture and beauty with the drapery when you don’t.

I hope I’ve inspired you to re-think bedroom furniture placement in your own home. Sometimes just changing a room’s layout makes it feel like a brand new space. I feel some furniture moving coming on this long weekend….have fun!

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